timelimit: 20
overtime: 5
fraglimit: 0
deathmatch: 1
teamplay: 2
powerups: on

Allowed maps are dm2, dm3, e1m2, cmt3 and cmt4
Maps are not final, there will be a poll up about it.

timelimit: 10
overtime: 2
fraglimit: 0
deathmatch: 3
teamplay: 2
powerups: on - dm2, e1m2, ztndm3
powerups: off - dm4, dm6

Allowed maps are dm2, dm4, dm6, e1m2 and ztndm3
Maps are not final, there will be a poll up about it.

timelimit: 10
overtime: 2
fraglimit: 0
deathmatch: 3
teamplay: 0
powerups: off

Allowed maps are dm2, dm4, dm6, aerowalk and skull.
Maps are not final, there will be a poll up about it.

The only allowed clients are mqwcl 0.96 and fuhquake 0.31 (or later versions if available)
Hacked clients are of course not allowed, you have to use the original clients with their respective security modules.

Modified/replaced weapon models are allowed, but you may not change anything that turns up at an f_modified check.

Skins and textures:
Fullbrightskins are allowed, as are modified/replaced map textures.
FBskins have been used by an overwhelming majority of the qw community the last five years or so and can no longer be counted as a cheat as it doesn't give anyone an unfair advantage when "everyone" is using them.

You may not have more than 100% in an f_speed check, if you are discovered with a higher value you will be asked to reboot and reconnect, as it may occur without intent.

You have to use the same nickname/spelling you signed up for the tournament with.

You are expected to behave in a courteous and civilized manner at all times and show respect for both admins and other players.
If you feel a need for shouting, avoid unnecessary obscenities, insults and repeating yourself.
Make sure to be prepared in accordance with the above rules and wait in the server _before_ scheduled match time to avoid unnecessarily delaying the tournament (which would only hurt yourselves in the long run)

You may not leave the server during a game, doing so willfully disqualifies you from the tournament.
If you lose your network connection or your computer crashes the game should be paused and an admin contacted.
If the server crashes (or something equivalent) and more than half the match has passed the game should be counted as a win for the leader, if less than half the match have been played the entire match should be replayed.
Exceptions can be made after consulting an admin.

For any situation not covered by these rules, please contact an admin

28/7 - 1/8 2004
» Mitsubishi Electric
- Really nice projectors.

» DCS.net
- Internet connection.

» Sollentuna Energi
- Fibre connection.

» More to be announced
when negotiations are done


» Register here
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